Appointment of our new Chancellor for Wales

St John Ambulance Cymru is delighted to announce thar Dr Caryn Cox has been appointed as our new Chancellor.

As Chancellor Caryn will be working closely with the Prior to provide leadership to the charity and its Executive Board. She will be responsible for ensuring that St John Ambulance Cymru operates within its charitable objectives, with a clear strategy.
Originally from Malpas, Newport, Caryn has been a member of St John for over 43 years, having joined as a cadet in 1979.  She joined our Board of Trustees in 2017, during which she has supported on several Board standing sub-committees.

Caryn has worked for over 35 years in the public sector and has worked internationally for the EU and the World Health Organization.  She is an NHS Consultant specialising in Health Protection, working for both Public Health Wales and the UK Health Security Agency. In 2022 she led the health protection and health security for the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.
In response to her appointment, Caryn says,

“It is a privilege and honour to follow in the footsteps of the many previous and distinguished Chancellors in the Priory of Wales and be appointed to the role.
I am looking forward to working alongside the new Prior, Paul Griffiths, the Board of Trustees, the Leadership Team and the Senior Volunteer Team.
I will be getting out over the summer to meet our wonderful St John people to see more of the excellent work they undertake as we continue to support and increase our impact for communities across Wales.” 

Sir Paul Williams, OBE, KStJ, DL, Prior for Wales and Chairman of the Board of Trustees , said.

I would like to congratulate Caryn on her appointment as the new Chancellor. This represents an important appointment to further strengthen our Board governance, to support the work of the Prior, to provide leadership to the charity and its Board, ensuring it operates within its charitable objectives, with a clear strategic direction for the executive team.” 


Penodiad ein Canghellor i Gymru newydd 

Mae’n bleser gan St John Ambulance Cymru gyhoeddi bod Dr Caryn Cox wedi’i phenodi’n Ganghellor newydd.
Fel Canghellor bydd Caryn yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r Prior i roi arweiniad i'r elusen a'i Bwrdd Gweithredol. Hi fydd yn gyfrifol am sicrhau bod St John Ambulance Cymru yn gweithredu o fewn ei amcanion elusennol, gyda strategaeth glir.
Yn wreiddiol o Malpas, Casnewydd, mae Caryn wedi bod yn aelod o St John ers dros 43 mlynedd, ar ôl ymuno fel cadét ym 1979. Ymunodd â’n Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr yn 2017, ac yn ystod y cyfnod hwn mae wedi cefnogi ar sawl is-bwyllgor sefydlog Bwrdd.

Mae Caryn wedi gweithio ers dros 35 mlynedd yn y sector cyhoeddus ac wedi gweithio’n rhyngwladol i’r UE a Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd. Mae hi'n Ymgynghorydd GIG sy'n arbenigo mewn Diogelu Iechyd, yn gweithio i Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru ac Asiantaeth Diogelwch Iechyd y DU. Yn 2022 bu’n arwain y gwaith o ddiogelu iechyd a diogelwch iechyd ar gyfer Gemau’r Gymanwlad yn Birmingham.
Mewn ymateb i’w phenodiad, dywed Caryn,

“Mae’n fraint ac yn anrhydedd cael dilyn yn ôl traed y Cangellorion blaenorol a nodedig niferus ym Mhriordy Cymru a chael fy mhenodi i’r rôl.
Rwy’n edrych ymlaen at weithio ochr yn ochr â’r Prior newydd, Paul Griffiths, Bwrdd yr Ymddiriedolwyr, y Tîm Arwain a’r Tîm Gwirfoddoli Hŷn.
Byddaf yn mynd allan dros yr haf i gwrdd â’n pobl wych o St John i weld mwy o’r gwaith rhagorol y maent yn ei wneud wrth i ni barhau i gefnogi a chynyddu ein heffaith ar gymunedau ledled Cymru.”

Dywedodd Syr Paul Williams, OBE, KStJ, DL, Prior Cymru a Chadeirydd Bwrdd yr Ymddiriedolwyr

. “ Hoffwn longyfarch Caryn ar ei phenodiad fel y Canghellor newydd. 
Mae hwn yn benodiad pwysig i gryfhau ein trefniadau llywodraethu Bwrdd ymhellach, i gefnogi gwaith y Prior, i ddarparu arweinyddiaeth i’r elusen a’i Bwrdd, gan sicrhau ei bod yn gweithredu o fewn ei hamcanion elusennol, gyda chyfeiriad strategol clir ar gyfer y tîm gweithredol.”


Published May 25th 2023

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