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Gifts in Wills

Our mission is to save lives in Wales, now and in the future– a gift in your will can help us achieve this.

If you are considering leaving a gift in your will to St John Ambulance Cymru, thank you - we’re incredibly grateful. Your generous gift, no matter the size, could help us build a nation of lifesavers and realise our vision of first aid for everyone, anytime, anywhere.

St John Ambulance Cymru has been there for those in need for over 100 years. With your help through a legacy gift, we can continue to be there for many more years and future generations to come, providing first aid treatment, training and transport to communities right across Wales.

To make the will-writing process easier, we are pleased to offer two will-writing services which are free of charge to supporters of St John Ambulance Cymru. There is no obligation to remember us in your will, but we hope you will consider us.

Our partnership with National Free Wills Network gives you the opportunity to write your will in person with a participating qualified local solicitor who can also provide you with legal advice. If however, you prefer to write your will online, our partnership with Octopus Legacy (formerly Guardian Angel) will provide you with a quick and simple way to write your will online. If you have an existing will, you can still take advantage of this service to update your will. Request our brochure below to find out how gifts in wills can make an impact to our future work.

write your will online for free button  write your will in person for free


Click here to request your free legacy brochure & wills guide


Should you wish to name us in your will, our charity name is St John Ambulance Cymru, and our registered charity number is 250523.

How you could leave a gift in your will

There are three ways that people tend to leave a gift in their will to charity. If you do decide to leave a generous gift, then you will probably want to consider one of the following three options:

Cash Gift - This is sometimes referred to as a pecuniary gift, and is a fixed sum of money.

Specific Gift -This type of gift refers to a specific item or physical object, such as an antique.

Residuary Gift - This is a % share of your estate. Leaving a residuary gift means it doesn't devalue over time.


We understand that this decision will not be taken lightly and therefore have made several Legacy Promises which you can find here.

To speak with a member of our Legacy team or to discuss a specific gift, please email or call 02920 449 500. 

Looking for other ways to get involved?

Whatever you enjoy doing and however much time you can commit, there’s a volunteer role for you.

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