Donate to St John Ambulance Cymru

We rely on generous people like you to carry out our lifesaving work.

Our dedicated frontline staff and volunteers work tirelessly to keep communities in Wales safe. Our people play a vital role in delivering first aid treatment and training within local communities, while also providing valuable support to our emergency services. 

First aid can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved. It can also have a huge impact on someone’s chance of recovery and the difference between them having a short term injury or more permanent disability.

The challenge for large areas of Wales is the relative rurality of many communities. This means that emergency services will often take longer to arrive than in more urban areas. St John Ambulance Cymru plays an important role in facilitating the lifesaving training and treatment that could make the difference between someone being able to provide vital first aid before healthcare professionals arrive or not.

We believe that together, with your help, we can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved.

Support will enable us to develop our support for volunteers, to enhance our first aid services and to ensure that more people can be taught the skills and given the confidence to save lives in Wales.

How you donation could help

Just as every second counts in an emergency, every penny donated plays a part in helping us carry on our lifesaving work.

£15 could help to support the costs of delivering our free first aid demonstrations to school chidlren and community groups

£25 could support the costs of training new volunteers to deliver our lifesaving work

£50 could help keep our community buildings open and ensure our volunteers have a safe place to train the next generation of lifesavers 

Donate with Gift Aid 

Gift Aid is a UK government scheme that enables charities to claim an additional 25p for every £1 donated, at no extra cost to the donor.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the ‘gift aid’ box so we can benefit from this. You will not pay this additional 25p, and your donation amount will remain the same. Gift aid donations can make a huge difference.

Reasons to donate

Looking for other ways to get involved?

Whatever you enjoy doing and however much time you can commit, there’s a volunteer role for you.

Donate Volunteer