About our Door to Door Fundraising

two volunteers door to door fundraising

As Wales’ leading first aid charity, regular donations are very important to us as they mean we can plan for the future more effectively and save more lives across Wales. Door-to-door fundraising is a popular and effective fundraising method for many charities, who work with professional agencies to raise vital funds to support charitable work.

For many years St John Ambulance Cymru partnered with Wesser Ltd, a well-established family run business, for door-to-door recruitment. Wesser have helped us to raise millions of pounds from our loyal door-to-door supporters across Wales.

In 2024 we are partnering with the agency Gilcore to resume door to door fundraising activity and help raise further support for our work across Wales.

Fundraisers go from door-to-door, talking to people about our lifesaving work and asking them to consider supporting us by giving a regular donation by direct debit. Fundraises undertaking charity door knocking for us will be wearing black jackets with green t-shirts bearing our logo. They will be carrying an ID badge attached to a St John Ambulance Cymru lanyard, as shown in the image above.

Where our door-to-door fundraising activity is this week 

Duing w/c 20th May, we will be in:







Please note, occasionally fundraisers cross-over into another postcode area accidentally, and is not deliberate. Please do not assume that a fundraiser is bogus, particularly if you are in a neighbouring postcode.


Our guidance on how to identify legitimate door-to-door fundraisers:

1. If someone is charity door knocking at your house, do they have the relevant identification to show who they are? We have records of all our fundraisers, so if you take a name/ID number, we will definitely be able to check for you.

2. Our door to door fundraisers will never ask you for cash or to set up a standing order. Our fundraisers carry devices such as tablets which capture people's details in order to set up a Direct Debit payment.

3. Is our logo genuine? Sometimes people copy logos off the internet to use. If the logo looks a little blurry or old, please let us know.

4. What charity name are the fundrasiers using? We are always St John Ambulance Cymru

If in any doubt, ask before you give any personal details. Genuine fundraisers won’t mind providing you with details.

Questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns about door-to-door fundraising, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us on fundraising@sjacymru.org.uk / 02920 449626.

Looking for other ways to get involved?

Whatever you enjoy doing and however much time you can commit, there’s a volunteer role for you.

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