Carmarthen volunteers offer helping hand to wider community with Summer Holiday Breakfast Club

St John Ambulance Cymru’s Carmarthen Division is opening up its doors  over the next few weeks with a Summer Holiday Breakfast Club. This is just one of the ways volunteers are using their newly renovated building to support and care for their local community.


Carmarthen volunteers are looking forward to providing free breakfast (vegan and gluten / dairy free options available), activities and a safe space for young people who may need extra support during the school break. The Summer Holiday Breakfast Club will run from 09:00 – 11:00 every Saturday from 27th July – 31st August, at their building at 27 Barn Road, Carmarthen.


The Carmarthen Divisional building is a vital hub for volunteer activity in the area. It is where adult, children and young volunteers meet and train, and where first aid demonstrations are held for key community groups and the general public. It is now being used to bring members of the wider community together during a time that many find difficult.


"We know the summer holidays can be tough, especially for families on lower incomes, and we wanted to do something to try and help,” said Sion Betts, St John Ambulance Cymru volunteer at Carmarthen. “We're inspired by the history of St John and our proud tradition of welcoming those in need.”


“It's really great seeing the positive reaction we've had from the local community. We’re looking forward to welcoming guests to join us for breakfast over the holidays and meeting more people across Carmarthen.”


The project is being supported by several local businesses and groups including the local Morrisons and Tesco stores as well as the Climate Shop, who are donating items, and volunteers will be giving up their time to support the sessions throughout the summer.


Carmarthen volunteers have confirmed that the breakfast club is open to all and are encouraging people to contact if they have any questions.


The first aid charity for Wales is recruiting volunteers to join the team in Carmarthen, and throughout Wales. Visit to register now and start making a difference in your community.


You can find out more about St John Ambulance Cymru’s ongoing work enhancing the health and wellbeing in communities across Wales by visiting


Some of the friendly volunteering team who will be running the Summer Holiday Breakfast Club at St John Ambulance’s Divisional building in Carmarthen.



Gwirfoddolwyr yng Nghaerfyrddin yn cynnig help llaw i'r gymuned ehangach gyda Chlwb Brecwast Gwyliau’r Haf


Mae Adran Caerfyrddin St John Ambulance Cymru yn agor ei drysau dros yr wythnosau nesaf ar gyfer Chlwb Brecwast Gwyliau’r Haf. Dyma un yn unig o’r ffyrdd y mae gwirfoddolwyr yn defnyddio eu hadeilad, sydd newydd ei adnewyddu, i gefnogi a gofalu am eu cymuned leol.


Mae’r  gwirfoddolwyr yng Nghaerfyrddin yn edrych ymlaen at ddarparu brecwast am ddim (opsiynau fegan a heb glwten / llaeth ar gael), gweithgareddau a man diogel i bobl ifanc a allai fod angen cymorth ychwanegol yn ystod yr egwyl ysgol. Bydd y Clwb Brecwast Gwyliau’r Haf yn rhedeg o 09:00 – 11:00 bob dydd Sadwrn o 27 Gorffennaf – 31 Awst, yn eu hadeilad yn 27 Barn Road, Caerfyrddin.


Mae adeilad Adran Caerfyrddin yn ganolbwynt hanfodol ar gyfer gweithgaredd gwirfoddol yn yr ardal. Dyma le mae oedolion, plant a gwirfoddolwyr ifanc yn cwrdd ag yn hyfforddi, a lle cynhelir arddangosiadau cymorth cyntaf ar gyfer grwpiau cymunedol allweddol a'r cyhoedd. Mae bellach yn cael ei ddefnyddio i ddod ag aelodau o’r gymuned ehangach at ei gilydd ar adeg sy’n anodd i lawer.


“Rydyn ni’n gwybod bod gwyliau’r haf yn gallu bod yn anodd, yn enwedig i deuluoedd ar incwm is, ac roedden ni eisiau gwneud rhywbeth i geisio helpu,” meddai Sion Betts, gwirfoddolwr St John Ambulance Cymru yng Nghaerfyrddin. “Rydym wedi ein hysbrydoli gan hanes Sant Ioan a’n traddodiad balch o groesawu rhai sydd mewn angen.”


“Mae'n wych gweld yr ymateb positif rydyn ni wedi'i derbyn gan y gymuned leol. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at groesawu gwesteion i ymuno â ni am frecwast dros y gwyliau a chwrdd â mwy o bobl ledled Caerfyrddin.”


Mae’r prosiect yn cael ei gefnogi gan nifer o fusnesau a grwpiau lleol gan gynnwys y siopau Morrisons a Tesco lleol yn ogystal â’r Siop 'Climate Shop', sy’n cyfrannu eitemau, a bydd gwirfoddolwyr yn rhoi o’u hamser i gefnogi’r sesiynau trwy gydol yr haf.


Mae gwirfoddolwyr yng Nghaerfyrddin wedi cadarnhau bod y clwb brecwast yn agored i bawb ac yn annog pobl i gysylltu â os oes ganddyn nhw unrhyw gwestiynau.


Mae elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru yn recriwtio gwirfoddolwyr i ymuno â’r tîm yng Nghaerfyrddin, a ledled Cymru. Ewch i i gofrestru nawr a dechrau gwneud gwahaniaeth yn eich cymuned.


You can find out more about St John Ambulance Cymru’s ongoing work enhancing the health and wellbeing in communities across Wales by visiting

Published July 19th 2024

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