Earlier this month St John Ambulance Cymru volunteers based in Deeside held an official reopening ceremony for their beloved Divisional Hall, following a two-year renovation project.
The event took place on 17th February, 72 years after the building first opened, bringing members of the local community in celebration.
Following the extensive regeneration project, the Deeside Divisional Hall reopened as both a volunteer hub and a workplace first aid training centre at the end of 2023. The official ceremony was an opportunity to thank all that have been involved in the project and highlight the Division’s importance in the Deeside community.
The first aid charity for Wales hosted the Rt Revd Gregory Cameron, Bishop of St Asaph; Kate Hill-Trevor, the High Sheriff of Clwyd; Carolyn Thomas, MS for North Wales, local councillors; the Deeside Round Table and local contractors at the event. Many volunteers and their families also came along.
Volunteer Divisional Officer in Charge of Deeside, Clare Buckley spoke about the regeneration project itself and highlighted the vital work of volunteers in the communities of North Wales.
“When I started working on this regeneration project, it was about returning the building to our members. It became more than that as I started finding out more about our history, like stories of past members or finding historical documents,” Clare said.
“There have been these fantastic volunteers who have dedicated their life with passion and professionalism to our organisation. Preserving the building and their stories has become essential to me. I genuinely hope I have done them proud.”
Clare talked about how the community spirit in Deeside has helped to save the building, thanking local charities who provided grants and contractors who offered discounted services, such as ShorePower and Matthew Hewitt and Sons.
“Charities are struggling and the financial pressures are significant. Without the support of the community in Deeside, we would not be in this position today,” she added.
15-year-old Deputy National Cadet of the Year Bethan Jones also spoke at the ceremony, touching on the importance of the charity’s Badger and Cadet groups, which run for young people in the community.
Bethan compared her experience seeing the building again as “visiting an old friend,” having been a member of St John Ambulance Cymru since she joined as a Badger in 2018.
“This building has gone through a lot in the past few years, whether it be COVID and the absence of members or not being able to open due to safety regulations.”
“I’m hopeful to see what opportunities the building has in the future, such as being a first aid hub and dispersing knowledge to those that need it,” she said.
A special plaque was unveiled by the High Sheriff and Paul Griffiths OBE KStJ DL, Prior for Wales, made in dedication of those who have served their community as volunteers in the building over the last 72 years.
The plaque reads Pro fide, pro ulitate hominum meaning for the faith, for the service of mankind, the Order of St John’s motto.
The team at Deeside are looking forward to continuing their lifesaving work in the community now they are back in their revamped Divisional Hall.
If you’d like to give back to your community by becoming a volunteer, you can find out more at www.sjacymru.org.uk.
Paul Griffiths OBE KStJ DL the Prior for Wales, with Clare Buckley, Deeside’s Divisional Officer in Charge.
Gwirfoddolwyr St John Ambulance Cymru Glannau Dyfrdwy yn dathlu ailagoriad eu hadeilad eiconig
Yn gynharach y mis hwn, cynhaliodd gwirfoddolwyr St John Ambulance Cymru yng Nglannau Dyfrdwy seremoni ailagor swyddogol ar gyfer eu Neuadd Adrannol annwyl, yn dilyn prosiect adnewyddu dwy flynedd.
Cynhaliwyd y digwyddiad ar 17 Chwefror, 72 mlynedd ar ôl i'r adeilad agor am y tro cyntaf, gan ddod ag aelodau o'r gymuned leol i ddathlu.
Yn dilyn prosiect adfywio helaeth, ail-agorodd Neuadd Ranbarthol Glannau Dyfrdwy fel canolbwynt gwirfoddolwyr a chanolfan hyfforddi cymorth cyntaf yn y gweithle ar ddiwedd 2023. Roedd y seremoni swyddogol yn gyfle i ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi bod yn rhan o’r prosiect ac i danlinellu pwysigrwydd yr isadran yng nghymuned Glannau Dyfrdwy.
Croesawodd elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru y Gwir Parchedig Gregory Cameron, Esgob Llanelwy; Kate Hill-Trevor, Uchel Siryf Clwyd; Carolyn Thomas, AS Gogledd Cymru, cynghorwyr lleol; Ford Gron Glannau Dyfrdwy a chontractwyr lleol i’r digwyddiad. Mynychodd llawer o wirfoddolwyr a'u teuluoedd hefyd.
Siaradodd Clare Buckley, Swyddog Adrannol Gwirfoddol â Gofal dros Lannau Dyfrdwy, am y prosiect adfywio a thynnodd sylw at waith hanfodol gwirfoddolwyr yng nghymunedau Gogledd Cymru.
“Dechreuais weithio ar y prosiect adfywio hwn gyda’r bwriad o ddychwelyd yr adeilad i’n haelodau. Daeth yn fwy na hynny wrth i mi ddechrau darganfod mwy am ein hanes, fel hanesion cyn-aelodau neu ddod o hyd i ddogfennau hanesyddol” meddai Clare.
“Mae yna lawer o wirfoddolwyr gwych sydd wedi cysegru eu bywyd gydag angerdd a phroffesiynoldeb i'n sefydliad. Mae cadw'r adeilad a'u straeon wedi dod yn hanfodol i mi. Rwy’n mawr obeithio fy mod i wedi eu hanrhydeddu nhw.”
Soniodd Clare am sut mae’r ysbryd cymunedol yng Nglannau Dyfrdwy wedi helpu i achub yr adeilad, gan ddiolch i elusennau lleol a ddarparodd grantiau a chontractwyr a oedd yn cynnig gwasanaethau am bris gostyngol, gan gynnwys ShorePower a Matthew Hewitt and Sons.
“Mae elusennau yn ei chael hi’n anodd ar hyn o bryd ac mae’r pwysau ariannol yn sylweddol. Heb gefnogaeth y gymuned yng Nglannau Dyfrdwy, ni fyddem yn y sefyllfa hon heddiw” ychwanegodd Clare.
Siaradodd Dirprwy Gadet Cenedlaethol y Flwyddyn, Bethan Jones, 15 oed, yn y seremoni hefyd, gan sôn am bwysigrwydd y grwpiau Badgers a Chadetiaid yr elusen, sy’n rhedeg ar gyfer pobl ifanc yn y gymuned.
Dywedodd Bethan fod ei phrofiad yn gweld yr adeilad eto fel “ymweliad â hen ffrind,” ar ôl bod yn aelod o St John Ambulance Cymru ers iddi ymuno fel Badger yn 2018.
“Mae’r adeilad hwn wedi dioddef llawer yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf, gan gynnwys COVID ac absenoldeb aelodau neu ddim yn gallu agor oherwydd rheoliadau diogelwch.”
“Rwy’n edrych ymlaen at weld pa gyfleoedd fydd gan yr adeilad yn y dyfodol, fel bod yn ganolbwynt cymorth cyntaf a rhannu gwybodaeth i’r rhai sydd ei angen,” meddai hi.
Dadorchuddiwyd plac arbennig, yn gyflwynedig i'r rhai sydd wedi gwasanaethu eu cymuned fel gwirfoddolwyr yn yr adeilad dros y 72 mlynedd diwethaf, gan Uchel Siryf a Phrior Cymru, Paul Griffiths OBE KStJ DL.