Meet the volunteer who’s given thousands of hours to our charity across the pandemic

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Anthony Canter, 30, has spent every day since the start of the pandemic volunteering at our ambulance station on Norbury Road in Cardiff.

The volunteer from Llanrumney has given thousands of hours supporting his local community, and has been praised by his colleagues.

Furloughed from his day job at the Principality Stadium in 2020, Anthony, who joined our charity in 2016, has worked tirelessly, decontaminating ambulances and keeping them stocked, playing a vital role in keeping the charity’s wheels turning.

“Anthony’s been here nine hours a day, five days a week, and his commitment has been truly incredible.

He’s been outstanding, and has helped us turn our vehicles around a lot quicker, so we can get to the people who need us faster.

He’s such a happy person to have around the building, and he’s helped to boost morale through a very difficult time.”

Catherine Elliott, St John Ambulance Cymru Customer Services Officer

Anthony would usually dedicate his weekends to providing first aid cover at events, alongside other volunteers from the charity, but when the pandemic hit, events stopped and St John Ambulance Cymru’s focus shifted to supporting the front line fight against the virus.

“I love volunteering. It gives me the opportunity to get out and about and meet new people.

As well as making some amazing friends, I’ve learned a lot of new skills that I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to.

While it’s been hard at times, I’ve genuinely enjoyed helping at Norbury. It’s given me a reason to get out of bed in the morning.”

Anthony Canter, St John Ambulance Cymru volunteer


Thousands of volunteers have supported St John Ambulance Cymru’s work during the COVID-19 pandemic. From providing care at field hospitals, transporting patients to and from hospital, delivering vital prescriptions, and now giving aftercare at vaccination centres, volunteers have played a vital role in the charity’s response to the virus.

June 1-7 is Volunteer’s Week, and St John Ambulance Cymru are highlighting Anthony’s story to showcase just some of the work their volunteers carry out every single day.

“Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our charity, we simply couldn’t do what we do without them, particularly over the last year. They continue to inspire us every day.

This Volunteer’s Week, we’re thanking all our volunteers, including Anthony, for the kindness, compassion and altruism they show as part of our charity in communities across Wales.”

Helen Smith, St John Ambulance Cymru Chief Executive Officer

Published June 1st 2021

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