Pembrokeshire organisations recognised for helping St John Ambulance Cymru create its first solar-powered hub

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority and the Port of Milford Haven were recently named joint winners of the St John Ambulance Cymru 2023 Supporter of the Year Award for the Mid and West Wales region.

The panels were installed at the charity’s Haverfordwest building thanks to funding from the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority’s 'Sustainable Development Fund', which is funded by the Welsh Government’s ‘Sustainable Landscape Sustainable Places’ programme and the Port of Milford Haven's 'Green Energy Fund'.

As they were unable to attend the award ceremony, representatives from both organisations visited the charity’s Pembrokeshire HQ to receive their certificates.

Nichola Couceiro, Head of Fundraising, Communication and Engagement at St John Ambulance Cymru said: “Our regional awards allow our volunteers to thank those that have supported us over the past year and these two organisations have made a contribution that will have an impact for many years to come.

“As well as helping St John Ambulance Cymru towards its goal of being carbon neutral by 2035, the installation of solar panels at our Pembrokeshire base means we can invest more of our funds into saving lives and enhancing the health and well-being in the communities of Wales.”

To read St John Ambulance Cymru’s full Strategy 2025, which includes its plans for carbon neutrality, please visit

James Cordell, St John Ambulance Cymru’s Deputy Commissioner for Dyfed is pictured with Hannah Boyd, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority Decarbonisation Officer and Lauren Williams, PR & Communications Officer for the Port of Milford Haven.

James Cordell, St John Ambulance Cymru’s Deputy Commissioner for Dyfed is pictured with Hannah Boyd, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority Decarbonisation Officer and Lauren Williams, PR & Communications Officer for the Port of Milford Haven.



Sefydliadau yn Sir Benfro yn cael eu cydnabod am helpu St John Ambulance Cymru i greu ei hyb cyntaf sy’n defnyddio ynni solar

Mae dau sefydliad sydd wedi helpu St John Ambulance Cymru i leihau ei ôl troed carbon drwy ariannu paneli solar ar gyfer ei bencadlys yn Sir Benfro, wedi cael eu cydnabod am eu cefnogaeth.

Yn ddiweddar, enwyd Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro a Phorthladd Aberdaugleddau yn gyd-enillwyr Gwobr Cefnogwr y Flwyddyn St John Ambulance Cymru 2023 ar gyfer rhanbarth Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru.

Cafodd y paneli eu gosod yn adeilad yr elusen yn Hwlffordd diolch i arian gan 'Cronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy' Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro, sy'n cael ei hariannu gan raglen 'Tirweddau Cynaliadwy Lleoedd Cynaliadwy' Llywodraeth Cymru a 'Chronfa Ynni Gwyrdd' Porthladd Aberdaugleddau.

Gan nad oeddent yn gallu bod yn bresennol yn y seremoni wobrwyo, ymwelodd cynrychiolwyr o’r ddau sefydliad â phencadlys yr elusen yn Sir Benfro i dderbyn eu tystysgrifau.

Dywedodd Nichola Couceiro, Pennaeth Codi Arian, Cyfathrebu ac Ymgysylltu yn St John Ambulance Cymru: “Mae ein gwobrau rhanbarthol yn caniatáu i’n gwirfoddolwyr ddiolch i’r rhai sydd wedi ein cefnogi dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf ac mae’r ddau sefydliad hyn wedi gwneud cyfraniad a fydd yn cael effaith am flynyddoedd i ddod.

“Yn ogystal â helpu St John Ambulance Cymru tuag at ei nod o fod yn garbon niwtral erbyn 2035, mae gosod paneli solar yn ein canolfan yn Sir Benfro yn golygu y gallwn fuddsoddi mwy o’n harian i achub bywydau a gwella iechyd a lles yng nghymunedau Cymru.”

I ddarllen Strategaeth St John Ambulance Cymru 2025, sy’n cynnwys ei gynlluniau ar gyfer niwtraliaeth carbon, ewch i

Published November 29th 2023

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