Swansea-based company raises over £2,000 for St John Ambulance Cymru

As 2023 comes to a close, St John Ambulance Cymru is thanking all the people and organisations that have supported the charity over the past year, in particular its corporate partners Seminar Components Ltd.  

After naming the first aid charity for Wales as its first ever charity of the year in January, the seating design and manufacturing company has raised over £2,000 through various fundraising activities. St John Ambulance Cymru is extending its thanks to everyone at Seminar Components for their hard work and generosity throughout 2023.

The Swansea-based business is a leading supplier in bespoke lift and recline seating mechanisms. The partnership began after St John Ambulance Cymru assisted with supplying a defibrillator and delivered vital first aid training sessions for the company’s employees.

For Seminar Components, choosing a charity partner was not only a great way to improve the morale of staff through fun events and activities, but it was also a way to give back to their local community.

Following the year-long partnership, the business is reflecting on the success of their fundraising efforts. Annmarie Foligno, HR Manager for Seminar Components LTD said “We at Seminar Components chose to support St John Ambulance Cymru as our first charity partnership since our operation began due to the fantastic work they do for the community.

“Over the last year we have utilised our partnership with St John Ambulance Cymru to boost the morale and workplace satisfaction of our employees through bake sales, raffles, golf tournaments and numerous half marathons that our brave employees completed.

“These events have not only enabled us to bring our team together but collectively they have raised over £2,000 for charity, and we could not be prouder of their efforts in raising these funds for such a good cause.”

These vital funds will support St John Ambulance Cymru’s lifesaving work in the communities of Wales. From free first aid demonstrations in schools and community groups, to important youth programmes for children and young people. Funds will also support the charity’s dedicated team of volunteers who keep the public safe at events across the country.

If your company is interested in partnering with the first aid charity for Wales in 2024, please contact St John Ambulance Cymru’s Fundraising Team who will be happy to chat with you. Reach out today via email: fundraising@sjacymru.org.uk or by telephone: 029 2044 9626.


Cwmni o Abertawe yn codi dros £2,000 i St John Ambulance Cymru


Wrth i 2023 ddod i ben, mae St John Ambulance Cymru yn diolch i’r holl bobl a sefydliadau sydd wedi cefnogi’r elusen dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, yn enwedig Seminar Components Ltd, ei phartneriaid corfforaethol.

Ar ôl enwi elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru fel ei 'helusen y flwyddyn' gyntaf erioed ym mis Ionawr, mae’r cwmni dylunio a gweithgynhyrchu seddi wedi codi dros £2,000 drwy amrywiaeth o weithgareddau codi arian. Mae St John Ambulance Cymru yn estyn ei ddiolch i bawb yn Seminar Components am eu gwaith caled a’u haelioni drwy gydol 2023.

Mae'r busnes, sydd wedi'i leoli yn Abertawe, yn gyflenwr blaenllaw o ran mecanweithiau seddau codi a gogwyddo wrth fesur. Dechreuodd y bartneriaeth ar ôl i St John Ambulance Cymru helpu i gyflenwi diffibriliwr a chyflwyno sesiynau hyfforddi cymorth cyntaf hanfodol i weithwyr y cwmni.

I Seminar Components, roedd dewis partner elusennol nid yn unig yn ffordd wych o wella morâl staff trwy ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau hwyliog, ond roedd hefyd yn ffordd o roi rhywbeth yn ôl i'w cymuned leol.

Yn dilyn y bartneriaeth blwyddyn o hyd, mae'r busnes yn myfyrio ar lwyddiant eu hymdrechion codi arian. Dywedodd Annmarie Foligno, Rheolwr AD ar gyfer Seminar Components Ltd: “Fe wnaethom ni yn Seminar Components ddewis cefnogi St John Ambulance Cymru fel ein partneriaeth elusennol gyntaf ers i’n gweithrediad ddechrau oherwydd y gwaith gwych y maent yn ei wneud ar gyfer y gymuned.

“Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf rydym wedi defnyddio ein partneriaeth ag St John Ambulance Cymru i hybu morâl ein gweithwyr a boddhad yn y gweithle trwy werthiannau pobi, rafflau, twrnameintiau golff a nifer o hanner marathonau a gwblhawyd gan ein gweithwyr dewr.

“Mae’r digwyddiadau hyn nid yn unig wedi ein galluogi i ddod â’n tîm at ei gilydd ond gyda’i gilydd maent wedi codi dros £2,000 at elusen, ac ni allem fod yn fwy balch o’u hymdrechion i godi’r arian ar gyfer achos mor dda.”

Bydd y cronfeydd hanfodol hyn yn cefnogi gwaith achub bywyd St John Ambulance Cymru yng nghymunedau Cymru. O arddangosiadau cymorth cyntaf am ddim mewn ysgolion a grwpiau cymunedol, i raglenni ieuenctid pwysig i blant a phobl ifanc. Bydd rhai o'r arian hefyd yn cefnogi gwirfoddolwyr ymroddedig yr elusen sy'n cadw'r cyhoedd yn ddiogel mewn digwyddiadau ledled y wlad.

Os oes gan eich cwmni ddiddordeb mewn partneru ag elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru yn 2024, cysylltwch â Thîm Codi Arian St John Ambulance Cymru. Cysylltwch heddiw trwy e-bost: fundraising@sjacymru.org.uk neu dros y ffôn: 029 2044 9626.


seminar components staff standing with their cheque to st john ambulance cymru

Published December 12th 2023

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