Swansea business donates over £10,000 to St John Ambulance Cymru

A Swansea personalised number plate business has been recognised for its continuous support for St John Ambulance Cymru over the last 5 years.


This month, VRM Swansea Ltd (Plates4Less) donated £1,710 to the first aid charity for Wales, taking their overall donation amount to over £10,000 since 2019.


The company, established in 1997, is the UK centre for personal number plate transfers and supports the work of 13 different charities, including St John Ambulance Cymru. A portion of sales funds are donated to their selected causes to give back to the community.


Antony Clark, Marketing Manager at VRM Swansea Ltd commented: “Our ethical stance on work practices and a desire to give back to the community means we support causes which have the greatest impact on our locality and Wales.


“We proudly support St John Ambulance Cymru because we believe in giving back to our community. We recognise the vital role local charities play in saving lives and enhancing our community’s wellbeing. Our donation is our way of making a positive impact where it matters most.


“We are thrilled to have donated over £10,000 so far and look forward to the next milestone.” 


VRM Swansea Ltd’s donations have helped fund St John Ambulance Cymru’s first aid training, treatment and transport in the communities of Wales over the last few years, helping the charity save more lives.


Nichola Couceiro, Head of Fundraising, Engagement and Communications at St John Ambulance Cymru commented: “We’d like to extend our thanks to everyone at VRM Swansea Ltd for their generous support over the last 5 years. Thanks to your donations, we are one step closer to our vision: first aid for everyone, anytime, anywhere.”


If you’re a business owner looking to give back to your community or if you’d like to engage staff with some fundraising at work, please get in touch with the first aid charity for Wales today by emailing fundraising@sjacymru.org.uk or calling 029 2044 9626.


Find out more about St John Ambulance Cymru’s lifesaving work at www.sjacymru.org.uk.  


VRM Swansea Ltd (Plates4Less) has donated over £10,000 to St John Ambulance Cymru since 2019.

VRM Swansea Ltd (Plates4Less) has donated over £10,000 to St John Ambulance Cymru since 2019.



Busnes o Abertawe yn rhoi dros £10,000 i St John Ambulance Cymru


Mae busnes platiau rhif personol yn Abertawe wedi cael ei gydnabod am ei gefnogaeth barhaus i St John Ambulance Cymru dros y 5 mlynedd diwethaf.


Y mis hwn, rhoddodd VRM Swansea Ltd (Plates4Less) £1,710 i elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru, gan gynyddu cyfanswm ei rhoddion ers 2019 i dros £10,000.


Y cwmni, a sefydlwyd yn 1997, yw ganolfan y DU ar gyfer trosglwyddiadau platiau rhif personol. Mae'r cwmni'n cefnogi gwaith 13 o elusennau gwahanol, gan gynnwys St John Ambulance Cymru. Mae cyfran o'r arian a godir o werthiant yn cael ei roi i'w hachosion dethol, gan ei alluogi i roi yn ôl i'r gymuned.


Dywedodd Antony Clark, Rheolwr Marchnata VRM Swansea Ltd: “Mae ein safiad moesegol ar arferion gwaith a’n dyhead i roi rhywbeth yn ôl i’r gymuned yn golygu ein bod yn cefnogi achosion sy’n cael yr effaith fwyaf ar ein bro a Chymru gyfan.


“Rydym yn falch o gefnogi St John Ambulance Cymru oherwydd ein bod yn credu mewn rhoi yn ôl i’n cymuned. Rydym yn cydnabod y rôl hanfodol y mae elusennau lleol yn ei chwarae wrth achub bywydau a gwella lles ein cymuned. Ein rhodd yw ein ffordd o gael effaith gadarnhaol lle mae’n bwysig.”


“Rydym wrth ein bodd ein bod wedi cyfrannu dros £10,000 hyd yn hyn ac yn edrych ymlaen at y garreg filltir nesaf.”


Mae rhoddion VRM Swansea Ltd wedi helpu i ariannu hyfforddiant, triniaeth a thrafnidiaeth cymorth cyntaf St John Ambulance Cymru yng nghymunedau Cymru dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, gan helpu’r elusen i achub mwy o fywydau.


Dywedodd Nichola Couceiro, Pennaeth Codi Arian, Ymgysylltu a Chyfathrebu St John Ambulance Cymru: “Hoffem estyn ein diolch i bawb yn VRM Swansea Ltd am eu cefnogaeth hael dros y 5 mlynedd diwethaf. Diolch i’ch rhoddion, rydym un cam yn nes at ein gweledigaeth: cymorth cyntaf i bawb, unrhyw bryd, unrhyw le.”


Os ydych chi'n berchennog busnes sy'n edrych i roi yn ôl i'ch cymuned neu os hoffech chi helpu eich staff i godi arian yn y gwaith, cysylltwch ag elusen cymorth cyntaf Cymru heddiw drwy e-bostio fundraising@sjacymru.org.uk neu ffonio 029 2044 9626.


Gallwch ddysgu mwy am waith achub bywyd St John Ambulance Cymru drwy fynd i www.sjacymru.org.uk.

Published May 9th 2024

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