Breaks and Fractures - Symptoms & First Aid Advice

A break or crack in a bone is called a fracture. In the case of an open fracture, the broken bone may pierce the skin surface. But in a closed fracture the skin around the fracture is intact. However, breaks and fractures may be unstable causing internal bleeding and the casualty may develop shock

What to look for when it comes to breaks and fractures symptoms

  • deformity, swelling and bruising around the fracture 
  • pain and/or difficulty moving the area
  • a limb may look shorter, twisted or bent 
  • a grating noise or feeling from the ends of the broken bones 
  • difficulty or being unable to move the limb normally 
  • a wound where you can see the bone sticking out (known as an open fracture) 
  • signs of shock, particularly with a fracture of a thigh bone, hip or pelvis


What to do in when it comes to treating breaks and fractures with first aid

Follow the steps below

Step 1

If it is an open fracture, cover the wound with a sterile dressing or a clean non-fluffy cloth. Apply pressure around the wound and not over the protruding bone, to control any bleeding. Then secure the dressing with a bandage. 

Step 2 

Advise the casualty to keep still while you support the injured part to stop it from moving. Do this by holding the joint above and below the injured area. 

Step 3

Place padding around the injury for extra support. 

Step 4

Once you’ve done this, call 999 or 112 for emergency help. Do not move the casualty until the injured part is secured, unless they are in immediate danger. You can secure an upper limb fracture with a sling and a lower limb fracture with broad fold bandages. 

Step 5

If necessary treat for shock, but do not raise an injured leg. Monitor their breathing and level of response while waiting for help to arrive. 

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