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The Cadet Legacy of Ian Hurll

Ian Hurll from Newtown, Powys, works as a paramedic and says it was his time with the Cadets that gave him the confidence to train in this role.

Ian still volunteers for St John Ambulance Cymru today, as Divisional Officer in Charge of Llandrindod Wells Division and remains a committed member of the organisation. Ian says his time with the Cadet programme gave him the skills, experience and confidence to pursue his dream career and train as a paramedic at University. “Without my time as a Cadet, I would never have done it” he says.

Ian recalls what he enjoyed so much:

I loved all aspects of being a cadet. It gave me the opportunity to make new friends, learn first aid and attend competitions.

I also really enjoyed being able to attend residential courses which gave me new skills, particularly in leadership” he says.

It not only gave Ian important professional skills, but it also “set me up with friends for life, as well as giving me a sense of purpose” he explains.

He recalls his fondest memory, being selected to represent St John Ambulance Cymru and travel to Northern India to teach first aid to local people. “This was such a great experience and a real eye opener to another culture” Ian says.

Ian is still making memories with St John Ambulance Cymru today.

I want to keep giving back to the organisation that has given me so much.

St John Ambulance Cymru has given me lifelong friends and experiences. Without that support, I would not be where I am today and in a job I love so much.”



Mae Ian Hurll o’r Drenewydd, Powys, yn gweithio fel parafeddyg a dywed mai ei amser gyda’r Cadetiaid a roddodd yr hyder iddo hyfforddi yn y rôl hon.

Mae Ian yn dal i wirfoddoli i St John Ambulance Cymru heddiw, ac fel DOIC o Adran Llandrindod mae'n aelod ymroddedig o'r mudiad. Dywed Ian fod ei amser gyda’r rhaglen Cadetiaid wedi rhoi’r sgiliau, y profiad a’r hyder iddo ddilyn ei yrfa ddelfrydol a hyfforddi fel parafeddyg yn y Brifysgol. “Heb fy amser fel Cadet, ni fyddwn byth wedi ei wneud” meddai.

Mae Ian yn cofio’r hyn a fwynhaodd gymaint:

“Roeddwn i’n caru pob agwedd ar fod yn gadét. Rhoddodd gyfle i mi wneud ffrindiau newydd, dysgu cymorth cyntaf a mynychu cystadlaethau.

Fe wnes i wir fwynhau gallu mynychu cyrsiau preswyl a roddodd sgiliau newydd i mi, yn enwedig mewn arweinyddiaeth” meddai.

Nid yn unig y rhoddodd sgiliau proffesiynol pwysig i Ian, ond fe wnaeth hefyd “fy sefydlu gyda ffrindiau am oes, yn ogystal â rhoi synnwyr o bwrpas i mi” eglura.

Mae'n dwyn i gof ei gof mwyaf, cael ei ddewis i gynrychioli St John Ambulance Cymru a theithio i Ogledd India i ddysgu cymorth cyntaf i'r bobl leol. “Roedd hwn yn brofiad mor wych ac yn agoriad llygad go iawn i ddiwylliant arall” dywed Ian.

Mae Ian yn dal i wneud atgofion gyda St John Ambulance Cymru heddiw.

 “Rydwi i eisiau barhau i roi yn ôl i’r sefydliad sydd wedi rhoi cymaint i mi. 



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Carys Ringrose 


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