Charity campaign sees record numbers of lifesavers trained

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An appeal to train over 5,000 potential lifesavers in Wales across September has proven hugely successful - training over and above the number intended.

Throughout September, Wales’ leading first aid charity, St John Cymru, held two hour community training sessions free to the public to increase the awareness of vital first aid and equip the public with lifesaving skills.

Communities across Wales were urged to attend their local St John Cymru training session where they would learn basic first aid skills such as; how to manage an incident, how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), treating an unresponsive casualty, what to do if someone is choking and how to treat severe bleeding.

“We’re absolutely delighted to have superseded our target for this year’s Save a Life September campaign.

2018 has proven to be our most successful campaign yet.

We’d like to take this time to thank the Welsh public for recognising the importance of the difference first aid skills can be in potentially saving a life.” 

St John Cymru Director of Training, Jon Phillips


In total, 7518 people were trained in lifesaving first aid skills throughout September and, due to the success of this year’s campaign, there are now thousands more potential lifesavers in communities across Wales.

St John Cymru has run Save a Life September successively since 2014. The campaign helps towards supporting the organisation’s aim to train 32,250 in vital first aid skills across 2018.

Available throughout the year, St John Cymru has community trainers who teach first aid in communities and schools across Wales.

For more information about community training in your area or to arrange a training session go to the St John Cymru training website contact or call 0345 678 5646.


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Are you a first aider? Did you receive first-aid? Or do you know someone who performed first aid after attending training? Get in touch! 

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Published October 17th 2018

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